Religious education

Year 8 RED Desert to Garden Booklet
All lessons with activities for the new RED Desert to Garden Chapter.

Year 7 Desert to Garden Booklet
All lessons with activities for the new RED Year 7 Desert to Garden Chapter.

Edexcel RE GCSE Tips
Tips on the exam to help Yr11 pupils.
Look at the paper and talking through how to approach it.

Introduction to the Christian Creation Stories
Completed Single Lesson introducing the Christian creation stories from Genesis 1 and Genesis 2-3.
Suited to Year 6/7.

The Pope
Completed lesson about:
How a new Pope is chosen?
What is the role of the Pope?
Catholic believes about the Pope.
Aimed at Yr7 - Yr8 pupils.

Religious Experiences Edexcel Spec A GCSE
Complete lesson with engaging activities and exam practice.

Brit Milah
Complete lesson on Brit Milah for Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other exam boards.
Varied activites, challenge tasks and exam practise.

Judaism - Public Worship
Lesson on Public Worship for GCSE Edexcel Specification A but can be used for other Exam Boards. Varied activities and exam practise.

The Nature of G-d - Judaism Beliefs and Teachings
Complete lesson on the Nature of G-d with various activities, challenge questions and Exam Practice. Designed for GCSE Edexcel Specification A however could be useful for other exam boards.

The Four Marks of the Catholic Church - Edexcel Spec A GCSE
Completed lesson made for Lockdown Learning.
Clear and engaging tasks.
With Practise Question for Edexcel Spec A and support